Sunday, January 5, 2014

Eyyyy, こんにちわかぞく!

Thank you again for the awesome Christmas gift! I still have most of it but I try to take a little more out of the drawer I put it in each night. Its good stuff. Although I still miss some fresh Papa J pizza and cinna pie's haha! And as I said to you just a minute ago, I wanna play with Zeus!! He looks like the coolest pup ever! I was showing some of my district the pictures you sent and they thought he was super cute, haha!

On to Japanese. I'm still getting pretty owned by the language. It is really tough for me and I cant seem to form a lot of sentences on the spot. Except for real basic ones. But I know I'll get there. And I know what you mean when you say that it looks foreign to you. Its definitely not a language that clicks early on haha. Although its a little bit better for me since I know the alphabets and stuff. Except Im just kind of starting to learn some Kanjis and those are pretty crazy. However, I actually like learning the Kanji because you feel really cool writing them. Ive learned about 22 so far but thats counting the numbers 1 through 10 which are really basic. Its also something to get my mind off of the grammar rules and all of the particles...I'll have to tell you about those when I'm home. It's a very different concept from English since their sentence structure is all weird. For example, if I wanted to say "wheres my sushi?" I would say Watashi no sushi wa doko deska? Which literally is translating to - Watashi (I) no (linking particle) sushi wa (subject indicator) doko (where) deska (polite form is/are with ka which means its a question). Sorry that probably didn't make much sense. Its hard to explain without actually talking about it. Oh and I know what you mean when you say that there are hundreds of things to memorize! Everytime I memorize a bunch of stuff and think that I know quite a bit more, I just flip through our Japanese book with all the definitions in the back and realize that there are thousands of words that I have never even looked at haha. Soooo I've still got a ways to go. But that being said, I am much better off then I was when I got here obviously. Its crazy how when we're teaching our investigator, I can actually tell what he is talking about/asking a lot of the time. Its pretty cool. Japanese is cool...haha.

Hey well about the MTC and all,it's a freaking roller coaster here. Its certainly not like EFY where you feel super spiritual all day and get to do fun activities. This is serious work that is forming us into teachers of the gospel and we have to learn a language, but that being said there are still a lot of good times. And hopefully after it all I can remember those times as being worth the crazy stuff. And you are correct! Since we've been here for 3 weeks now, we are Senpai! It feels pretty cool and it was really weird seeing all the Dai Senpai leave for Japan Monday morning. Well, we didn't actually see it since they left at 2 a.m. haha but we saw that they were all gone which was different. Oh and something weird happened this week because we were expecting more Kohi (the new guys) this week to join our branch but we didn't get any! We found that out on Sunday from our Branch Pres. and so we feel lonely as Senpai...haha, still the lowest out of the Japanese missionaries now. Haha, even our new Dai Senpai call us Kohi sometimes since there are no new ones!! But its all fun and games. We'll have new ones in a couple Wednesdays and we'll get to feel really cool again. And also, we haven't had the chance to "escort" new Elders yet. That will be when we are Dai senpai ourselves. Anyways, its time to send a whole bunch of pictures, haha. Talk to you later!

あいしています!(I love you)

-Carlini ちょうろう

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