Monday, June 15, 2015

DATE: JUNE 15, 2015
SUBJECT: Yeahhh. Yamate

Alright, I'll try keeping just to the main points here.
We got to meet with our new man Kurata three times this week which was great. He wants to improve his life and is pretty unhappy right now. We have been trying to give him the hope he needs through the Gospel. He seems relatively willing to change. He's just having difficulties with the Book of Mormon and other new information to him. He's a great guy and we love being his friend!
We also met with Kenny this last week!! He is improving bit by bit and said that he could see him "going Mormon" as he put it. Sweet. We just have to help him implement the good of the Gospel teachings and change his life for the better. He is a good guy.
I also happened to hit my 1 Year and a Half mark this Thursday by the way. Today (the 15th) is the "6 months before I return home" mark, but dang, how crazy it is too have already been a full time missionary for now 18 full months. If I was a sister missionary, I would be home in a few weeks...WOW that's too fast!! It's time to go Hard and leave all the good behind that I can here in Japan. I love the Japanese people more than I can explain, and it will be a sad day to leave this great country. Anyways for now, we're doing our best everyday!!
On Friday, I got the awesome opportunity to go back to Kamiooka (my first area) AGAIN and do some missionary work with Elder Murakami on splits. It was great. We met up with and had a great chat with one of my friends throughout the mission, that lives in Kamiooka, and we were happy to see each other. He also told us several times that we have changed the way he looks at the church and Mormons in general. He said his image wasn't all that good before, but now he thinks really good of the church. Sweet! We took a picture to commemorate the good. His name is Toru by the way. Toru!!! I also got to see the Ogawa family again for a nice dinner. They are way funny. I love them. As well as everyone else that knows them loves them, haha.
And on Saturday, me and Elder Belnap had an opportunity to go out, eat, and talk with some new friends that we made while out and about doing the good work. A lot of times when you meet people that don't have much interest, even if you exchange numbers, you don't see them again too often...but these two were different! The Miyura's! They are a way nice couple and they wanted to take us out. So we went, had a way good time, and shared a scripture as well as our testimonies with them. They didn't have like a huge change of heart and desire to hear about the Gospel, but they respected our beliefs and enjoyed hearing them. "Through small and simple things are great works brought to pass" right? Good people nonetheless. Hopefully we can meet again soon!
And lastly, we went over to the Bishops daughters house for a dinner and to give a message to her husband who isn't a member of the church. He was a way cool and funny guy. Pretty quiet, but funny. He said he was happy to have us over and always loves to have missionaries over to talk. Then he asked us if we knew why and we said, hmmm, no, why? Then he told us that because when the missionaries come over, his wife always makes delicious food! Haha, good line. Niiiiiiice. We then shared a simple message with him. He has faith. He'll be alright.
So yeah, that's the visits of the week!
Cool stuff right? There's so much that happens in a week that I hardly believe it. Lots of good people and lots of tough trials. But it all creates an overall great experience for my life from here on out. We can learn from Mistakes just as well as from our success'. And probably even more from mistakes and trials to be honest, haha. Good week overall. Couple of bad days. But yeah! That's it for now. Byeeee

Elder Carlini

Me and my man Toru!! He's on the right...not wearing the missionary tag haha

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