Sunday, March 8, 2015

FROM: Elder Conner Carlini
DATE: March 8, 2015
SUBJECT: This week. In Machida

So, another week goes by and it's another week of being a
missionary in Japan. Good stuff. Anyways, since we just have one
investigator we're teaching right now, we've been housing streeting
and handing out flyers to try and find more people with any interest.
Or anyone that believes in God for that matter, haha. In this area
there's a good mix of people ranging from students and even young
kids, to adults and grandpas. There's a nice variety and it's cool to
have that little balance of trying to talk to a variety of people.
However, we have been getting rejected quite a bit here in Machida.
This whole district has been having it a little rough on finding new
investigators but we're working hard to search out those prepared
But we did have the chance to teach a man named Suzuki here who
has been investigating/coming to church for about a year! But doesn't
want to be baptized. He likes church things and enjoys the things he
learns, but when baptism comes up he just gets really nervous. Now, I
haven't been in a lesson with him asking about baptism yet but it says
on his teaching record several times that whenever they mention
baptism after explaining it really well and trying to make it clear
that it's just a step towards heaven/God/one of his commandments, he
gets very nervous. Anyways, he has a slight mental problem and we're
going to see just how we can help him out with his concerns as we
continue to meet with him. But yeah, he's a really nice and great guy!
We also had an awesome opportunity to meet with my man Toguchi
from my last area Fujisawa! He came up to visit and discuss more
gospel things such as prayer, because he's been struggling with it
just a bit. He really is progressing well both in life and in the
Gospel. It's good to see. He came up to Machida and brought us Root
Beer because he knows I'm American and I love it, haha! We had a good
talk and he said we helped him out with his concerns on prayer. Sweet.
Got to bear some testimony and tell him why we pray and the things we
can pray for. We also went to a Yakiniku place which was delicious.
It's been some time...and dang it was good.
Yup, so lastly, the apartment and companion are doing good. We're
both just being more happy all around and trying to keep our spirits
up even though there's a lot of rejection lately. There's a bit of
differences between us but we're closing the gap day by day. Yeahhh,
always good stuff to learn on the Mission. Here's to another week!

Elder Carlini

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