Sunday, March 1, 2015

FROM: Elder Carlini Carlini
DATE: MARCH 1, 2015

And oh how the weeks fly by! I am now moved into Machida and am in
my first two-man apartment (usually 4 to an apartment up to this
point) with my Japanese companion Elder Kojima. It's a cozy place and
we've had the chance to visit a few areas for proselyting this week.
But first, before leaving Fujisawa, I was able to talk with and meet a
few friends I had made in Fujisawa.
Dang, I've never spent just one transfer in an area! I wish I
could have had more time in Fujisawa but it's good to know that I made
some good friends and I had the opportunity to chat with some great
people there. And speaking of that, there was a ward member who I sent
a picture of in a previous email named Bro. Kawamura. The first time
we went over to his place we made a little promise that we would have
pizza together before I left (expecting that time to be a bit longer
than it was, hah). So after we told him I was leaving, he told us to
come over Wednesday night to have the pizza he promised, haha! It was
a nice last time to meet because since we never know our transfer
plans until after Sunday, it's hard to meet and talk with the members
one last time before leaving. So yeah, nice little event.
Besides that, it was a lot of packing with Elder Connell (who was
also transferring) and doing whatever we could before transferring
out. So now, I am in Machida and it brings more opportunities and
places to proselyte along with it. It's been pretty decent. Me and
Elder Kojima are a bit different...actually very different. So we're
trying our best to work together and hopefully we can improve
throughout the transfer. It is nice to have a Japanese companion again
though. More opportunities to speak Japanese and try to improve at
teaching directly to a Japanese person. Who needs English anyways?
Just kidding I do. Haha
Right now we don't have any investigators, so we plan to do a lot
of finding. And on another note, I got to meet the ward yesterday
which was great. There are some really awesome people here and I was
able to hit it off with them which is sweet. Good Ward = Happier
Missionaries. So that's a nice plus. I haven't seen too much of the
area yet but there's a good amount of people. Also, there are more
hills here than I've seen since Kamiooka which is gonna help me rock
some Thunder Thighs again hopefully. I like hills. Tough to go up, but
feels so great going back down. Yeahh, so that's what I got this week.


Elder Carlini

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