Monday, July 28, 2014

Yup, so I only have about 15 minutes so I'll try to write quickly.
I am Training a fresh missionary this next transfer. I'm pretty
nervous to be quite honest, because I have no idea what to expect.
He could be a super good guy or an unbearable companion. I don't
know whether he'll be Japanese or American either. All I know is
that he has no real experience as a missionary in the field, and I
have to hopefully teach him well. And since I've been in the area
for only one transfer and honestly didn't see much success,
I'm gonna have to pray I can lead him well.

So, since I don't have much time, I'll try to answer some questions.
First off all....this wasn't a good week. A lot of feeling down and
not much success. Although we did have a baptism, I didn't feel like
I did much, and I put some stress on the ward by not preparing them
all that well for it. I won't go into much detail but yeah, I've been
down lately. The mission really puts you through a lot. I just hope
to come out better on the other side.

I'm glad you liked the rainy video and I actually have another
one. We had a little river outside our apartment basically haha. So
that was a kind of a funny night. Oh, so the baptism we had was
started by other Elders, but Kiyu didn't exactly have any interest in
doing lessons so he kind of got switched to a "love him and not teach
yet" kind of area. Until we got to teach him. And since Elder
Nishidome is Japanese, we had the flawless communication on our side.
Kiyu is a way crazy kid, but we were able to get around to him and he
was baptized just yesterday. I'm glad you see progression cause it's
near impossible to see in the midst of things out here. I've been in a
big slump for the transfer but I'm going to let it all fly and leave
my worries behind to get out of it. I'm sick of feeling sorry for my
weaknesses. So I'm gonna make this transfer good.

I plan on going wild with enthusiasm next transfer and leaving my mark
on the places I go (in a good way). I don't want to fall into the
background and be "just another Missionary". It's time to Shine. Talk
to you next week.

Carlini 長老日本語の勉強することは難しい。泣きたいだよ

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