Monday, June 23, 2014

What's up my mates. I hope everyone is doing swell in the states.
So yeah, I got kicked out of good old Kamiooka and put into
Hibarigaoka this week. It was a big change seeing as Kamiooka is the
land of hills in the Yokohama Zone, and Hibarigaoka is allll flat and
up north in the Musashino Zone. I miss Yokohama and the awesome people
I met there, but hopefully new and great things await me here in the
North. It was more sad then I thought leaving everything behind in
Yokohama. Last transfer was for sure my best one yet. I left the
hills, the people, and The Bunks (Elder Bunker, my last companion).
And on the last day at 英会話 (English Class) I took a lot of pictures
with students and a couple ward members that made me realize that I
may actually be missed as I left. They thanked me a lot for being
their teacher and a friend. It was a great experience and I love the
Japanese people.
Anyways, I've only been here in Hibarigaoka for a few days now
and it's very different. The apartment isn't bad and we have a couple
cool places around here. But it's not like Yokohama. Our Futons are
nice and fluffy and that's definitely a good change from the Kamiooka
apartment. Also, the new companion is a big change. Having someone
who is Japanese and doesn't speak much English is already showing how
tough the transfer may become. But it's a good thing for sure. It just
makes me realize even more so how much there is to this language that
I can't communicate yet. But on the contrary, I'm definitely speaking
more Japanese in a day then I ever had before. Crazy crazy. Hmm, so
far I've only met a few ward members but they are all incredibly nice.
I think that will be one thing that I can rely on in each area. It's
that you can always find incredible people in the ward, and good
friends outside of it too. I hope to improve a lot this transfer and
hopefully do a decent job training Elder Nishidome. He is a good man.
Not much else this week except pictures and a video I think. Got a
little apartment tour for ya, hah

Trans. - Always remember that God will help you. Even if you feel bad,
you can pray and receive guidance from him.

Love from Japan, Carlini 長老

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