Wednesday, May 6, 2015

DATE: MAY 6, 2015
SUBJECT: A Great Week

Heyyyy, how about that Wednesday P-Day!! Yeah, so I think I mentioned it in my last e mail...but we had a big "Yamate Open House" of the church pretty much all day on Monday and Tuesday (yesterday), so we got our P-day switched to Wednesday so we could get some things done. Anyways, this last week was truly a great week and we had the opportunity to meet with some great people! So let's jump into the good!
First off, we were pretty busy with a few things (including setting up for the Open House event) and almost weren't able to meet with our man Kenny. However, we found just a little bit of time and he wanted to take us out to see a sweet view from where he worked! He works with exporting cars on ships and so it was a really cool view from off the main land of Yokohama that not many people get to see. We had a nice chat with him there and we ended of with a great prayer by him. He has known of the church for a pretty long time and I wouldn't say he's progressing by leaps and bounds. But little by little, we hope to increase his faith.
The next cool happening was on Thursday right at the end of our weekly planning at the church. We left the doors wide open to the church just in case any one wanted to come inside and check it out! (Because it's right along a road and looks like a really nice building/has a monument) so, no one really came in for most all of the time we were there, however, right before we cleaned up our stuff to head out, a couple came in and asked if they could check out upstairs. We said, "Yeah of course! Let's go check it out!" So we first talked with them for a while and got to know each other and explained what we do as missionaries. They had only been in a church once before and it was during the Christmas season. So we showed them around a bit and then all went to the chapel. It's pretty quiet up there and it really helps to feel the peace that can be felt there. We explained what goes on each week at church and how it's really helped us out in lives, and invited them to come. Unfortunately they don't live around here and can't come every week all the way out to Yamate. But, I'm glad we got to meet them and I believe we've at least left them with a better image of missionaries and religion in general. It was a way good time just talking and loving these great people! Japan is a good place.
Also, we had the chance to take Narusawaさん to Hakuraku this Friday for an event called "Questions of the Soul" that President Wada does a couple times a month throughout the mission. This one was on Seizing the Day and taking a chance on the Gospel essentially. I've seen the little video clips he showed before but this time it really got to me. I learned from what we watched, that we really only have a short amount of time on earth and in each phase of our life. Heck, I'm 21 right now (which feels old for me) and I'm sure I'll think that's young in just the blink of an eye. So it really comes down to "Seizing the Day" everyday, and going for what we really want in life because if we don't do it right now, then the chance will be gone before we know it. And I testify that God doesn't want us to hold back and be comfortable with where we are, but rather, wants us to go for our dreams and be the best that we can be. I'm gonna do my best to improve and be happy with each day of my mission, and I can not wait to get home and go for my dreams and accomplish more of the Potential, that I have within me. I hope you all do the same. 😄
Yeahhh! And this week I had a first of my mission. And that would be, the first person I Baptized! I've been a part of a few baptisms and have taught some people who end up being baptized but I never had the opportunity to be the person doing the baptism. So even though it really doesn't matter who does the actual ordinance...I'm still glad I got to do one! My man Toguchi got baptized this last Saturday and it was a great program. I hadn't seen him in a while and he's from Fujisawa by the way. I only got to stay there for 1 transfer, but in that transfer we met and taught him several times, as well as when I left the area, we talked on the phone about things. So finally the day came when he decided he would be baptized and it was great. I got to see several people I met in Fujisawa area and we all had a good time. However, because the Yokohama Stake had "Stake Conference" this weekend, we had to leave soon after the Baptismal service and train over to Hakuraku where the next fantastic event happened!
So, the stake conference itself wasn't totally mind-blowing or anything. Although President Wada (My Mission President) spoke and had some funny words to say. It wasn't until after the meeting ended that I realized that because I am in the same stake as my first area Kamiooka, that there were a bunch of Ward members from the Ward there!!! Oh my gosh I don't know if I've been that happy to see other Ward members that much in my life. It was wonderful! I got to see wonderful families and great people that I knew, but could hardly talk to at the time I was there. And it was amazing being able to finally communicate so much better with them now that I've lived in Japan for over a year! I got to see the awesome Ogawa family and for the first time ever, I understood words that came out of their 11 year old daughters mouth....haha! She's way funny and speaks super fast all the time so I never knew what the heck she was saying. But this time, I could actually understand. I'm no where near awesome at Japanese, and I have a long way to go before reaching where I truly want to be....but that was a moment that really let me know how far I've come. What a wonderful experience!
So yeah, that was probably the best day of the week right there. Like I said, these last two days we had the open house of Yamate church and we handed out a whole ton of flyers to people all over Yamate. Everyone who helped and was stationed outside got pretty sunburnt, but it was great weather I'd say! No pain, no success. We walked along the harbor and talked with a whole bunch of people from all over. And we also had the chance to stay in the church building yesterday and lead people through/talk with them about the church. It was pretty fun. I'm glad I got to be a part of it.
Annnnnd yeah that's the highlight of this last week.
You have a good one now.

Elder Carlini

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