Monday, February 17, 2014


So this is pretty crazy now that I’m in Japan! It is a pretty awesome place and I really love the people. However, I am having a really hard time with food as we all expected and I hate that. But how about we start from the day of arrival. I brought my journal with me so I can remember some stuff more fully, hah. So, we had to get up at about 3:15 to get showered and shave before we left. We got all our stuff together and headed out on some sweet buses to the airport. Then we got all situated there and I said my goodbyes to Sean. So first we headed to Seattle which was only about a 2 hour flight or so, and then I got to talk to you guys of course. Then we had the loooong flight to Japan which took just under 11 hours. I’ve never been so sick on a plane in my life. Near the end we had some turbulence, and we had just eaten some kind of mcmuffin thing they fed us. Anyways, I had a really killer headache and my stomach felt like shiz. But, once we got off the plane and could see that we were all in Japan, it made it better for a bit. Then we got to see our Mission President, his Wife, and the Assistants to the President who were all really cool. I love President Wada! And his wife is the sweetest person ever!! So at least I don’t have to worry about that.

So that night we got to go to what is called the "Honbu" (Mission Home) and we took a bus for about an hour to get there. Since I was feeling super sick from the flight still, I puked hardcore on the bus. But luckily I was feeling it beforehand, so I got a back to throw up into. So that was my entrance into Japan. While the rest of my district was looking out the window and seeing the cool sights of Japan, I was curled up puking into a bag, haha. Probably a good memory for later in my life I guess. But yeah, we got to have a meal at the Mission home with the Wada family and I already was confronted with foods that I really don’t like. So I just had some Apples and Bread that night. I feel like such a fool every time we eat something that I dislike because then everyone has to ask why I’m not eating and I get to feel like I’m not going to survive in Japan again. But, I’ve also been trying some new foods. I haven’t found anything I actually like, but I can at least stomach the things that I eat.

Anyways, the next day we got to do some more training things for our mission and we met our trainers! My companion is Elder Kuniyuki and he is full Japanese..well, kinda. He’s actually lived in the U.S. his whole life and he didn’t speak any Japanese before his mission haha. But he is a really chill guy it seems. We get along well but we don’t talk a ton. Oh, and our area (where I am at right now) is in Kamiooka - かみおうか。Its funny because it literally means "Big Up Hills", so it will be fun riding our bikes around when it gets slightly warmer. It is indeed very hilly here. But it looks nice when you get to the top of a hill and look down at the view.

So once we got to our area, I unpacked all my things and then we headed about 30 minutes away (by walking) to a little sports center place. Its a free place where you can go to play half court basketball, ping pong or badminton (or at least those were the ones I saw in the small place). So we had it set up to where we played basketball with non members and less actives that like us Gaijin. So that was pretty fun. I just feel really weird though, because I cant really say anything to them and they haven’t said much at all to me. In fact, its kind of weird everywhere I go because I cant say anything normal in a conversation well enough to chat with people, and Kuniyuki choro seems to not chat a lot with people on the street. So when its been us two, we haven’t exactly stopped and talked to anyone yet. However, back at the Honbu, I got to go streeting with one of the Elders that has been here for about a year and a half and that was way fun. He was really good at talking to people and just a nice guy in general. He said I did a really good job but I didn’t hardly say anything with him, haha. I just need to learn for myself a lot more Japanese so that I can take the lead.

Oh, so we also have another companionship in our apartment and that makes things a bit funner. In fact, just yesterday we got to go to the park all together and we had about 4 meaningful contacts there, and on our way to a dinner appointment we had. Man, a lot of things happen in a day in the field, I realize how much I’ve already written and I barely scratched the surface. But anyways, we had church yesterday and that was pretty fun. I was told while walking to the church that I would be introducing myself to the ward in sacrament meeting (in Japanese of course). So that went pretty well I guess, haha. Also, we had a non member that Kuniyuki choro and his last comp had been teaching come to church too! He is a really cool guy and after church we taught him a lesson on the Plan of Salvation!! That lesson came out of nowhere for me but yeah it was way cool. Also, all of the ward members are super nice and they seem to like us missionaries.

Alright, this letter is getting way to long. I’m just gonna try and wrap up the last few things in a few sentences. We had a dinner appointment last night (that I previously mentioned) and that went really well. I found some things that I could eat and since it was home cooked it tasted pretty dang good. Then one of them (they are members) gave a quick lesson and we (Us, the other 2 with us, and the Sisters) sang some hyms to them. Also, something that is awesome that they have here in Japan has got to be that there are these really cool drink vending machines everywhere. They have a whole ton of different drinks and you can even get hot drinks from them. So were all going to get some hot chocolate from them after streeting sometime. Anyways, I had this really awesome grape drink that you had to shake up beforehand and it mixed in this jelly type stuff. Then we all drank it and it was wayy good. Yup, this letters too long.
Thanks for reading, haha. Until next time!
- またね!
カーリニ ちょうろう

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